Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Jay.

Girl With An Addiction is dedicating this blog to my Little Brother Jay.

Well, today is my brother's 10th birthday.

You're probably thinking "Ok, why is she writing a blog about that?!" Well I'll tell you why:

On the 21st of June, 2000, my mother gave birth to a stillborn, Jay. I never had the chance to see him. I never had the chance to do things that most sisters would take for granted, and I would give the world to do them. I never got to watch my little brother grow up. I never got to be a big sister.

In a few weeks, I will write another blog about my other little brother, Lachlan, who died of SIDS at six weeks, a year later.

To say I miss them dearly is an understatement. Words cannot comprehend how much I love them, but this is best I can do:

Happy 10th Birthday Baby Jay. 

I never got to see you, 

I never got to hold you, 

I never got to cuddle you, 

I never got to smell you, 

I never got to take of you,

I never got to play with you, 

I never got to bath you, 

I never got to watch you make friends, 

I never got to help you with your homework, 

I never got to kick a ball around with you, 

I never got to argue with you, 

I never got to laugh with you, 

I never got to watch you grow up, 

I never got to protect you, 

I never got to be there for you,

I never got to have meaningful conversations with you,

I never got to be at your wedding,

I never got to be an aunty,

I never got to sing to you, 

I never got to be your big sister... 

To do things that most sisters take for granted, would mean the world to me right now.

But even though I will never get the chance to do those things with you, I know that I will always love you and you will always be in my heart. 

I miss you little bro. 

Happy Birthday. 

I love you Jay.

Girl With An Addiction
xoxo =P

1 comment:

  1. Hey jess,
    its me tiarna :)
    im really sorry bout your brothers..
    They would have been beautiful
    and im here for you whenever you need me !


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